Happy (Belated) Procrastination Week!


National Procrastination Week is celebrated the first two weeks of March. The actual dates change annually. It’s a real thing and has been since March 9-15, 2008. This year it was March 7-13. Where have I been?

There is a good bit of disagreement around such a concept. But in its defense, it appears the intent isn’t to be sloth-like but instead to give yourself permission, for one week, to put off tasks in favor of other activities that you enjoy. Actually, sounds kind of like vacation, but I digress.

I admit I went down a bit of a rabbit hole researching this to present to you. Some might say I was procrastinating writing this blog and the research was just an excuse. Others might argue that this blog is all the better for these extra tidbits of knowledge I’m imparting and my procrastinating was actually a benefit.

That’s what I think is most interesting. There is no right or wrong answer. Your opinion of my actions are exactly that – your opinion. It’s different for each person and that is where I’d like to spend some time. I want to explore how our perception of others’ judgment impacts the decisions we make. I believe it’s detrimental to our growth and well-being.

There are lots of reasons we procrastinate. Today, let’s focus on one in particular – fear of failure, a very close relative to judgment.

I’m proposing that not taking action for fear of failing is where many of us lose our way. We stop experimenting and exploring. We get on a path at some point assuming it’s leading us where we’re supposed to go. It’s safe. Some of us get uncomfortable along the journey and are unsure why that is because we’re following the path. We’re doing everything right. We play it safe and stop taking chances for fear of failure.


Instead, I invite you to come with me to a new world. Imagine this ~ there is no failure. Yep, you read that correctly…there is no way to live your fulfilled life and for it to be a failure. It’s all just one big experiment.

What comes up for you? Anxiety? Panic? Relief?

Have you seen this before?

F irst

A ttempt

I n

L earning

What opens up for you when you approach this traditionally hard, judgmental word with a growth mindset as it is defined here?


It’s the mindset of a toddler. Nobody says a toddler fails when she’s learning to walk. In fact, quite the opposite. When a baby is learning to walk, we take great delight in watching her try to stand then gain some balance before attempting to place one foot in front of the other and teetering along. Sometimes getting in a few steps and sometimes plopping down only to get right back up and try again. If you’re a parent, you probably have this recorded. You have fond memories and it brings a smile to your face. You celebrated those milestones. What changed?

At some point on our journey, we become very hard on ourselves thinking we must not fail even if something is totally new to us. We let others’ opinions and judgments impair our vision and stop our momentum. At some point, we stop taking chances.

Hmmm, there’s got to be a better way. Here’s what I propose.

Give yourself permission to fail.

Poof! So it is in this new world of ours. You no longer need to procrastinate for fear of failing. Stand up, teeter a bit. Heck, even fall down. You’ve heard it before ~ You can’t run until you walk and you can’t even walk if you procrastinate for fear of failing.

You may still choose to procrastinate and celebrate (belatedly) Procrastination Week, but it doesn’t need to be for fear of failing.

It’s time to start walking, my friend.

Enjoy your journey!


If You Were a Garden, Which Would You Be?


Give Yourself Some Love.