The Power of Color

What’s your favorite color?

I’ve not met anyone who hasn’t been able to answer that question. Even my husband who is color blind has a favorite color.

Did you know color impacts your mood, appetite, sleep, sometimes even your health, and your confidence. All that control for something many of us give little to no thought.

Color is energy that is visible.

~ from the book Joyful by Ingrid Fetell Lee

Color evokes feeling. We are each drawn to and repelled by particular colors. As such, it’s not unusual to find yourself surrounded by colors you love, be it in your home or what you wear.

Why am I blathering on about color? Well, I’m glad you asked.

I’m presenting this weekend at the global conference for Color Designers International.

I want to share with you my experience with color and how it has improved my confidence. And, as an added bonus, it’s also saved me time, money and energy. Woot woot!

Please come along with me into my time machine where I’ll take you back to the beginning of my journey into the world of color.

Have you heard that people will make a first impression of you within 3-7 seconds! Eek! Obviously, a large part of that first impression is what you’re wearing including what color(s).

When I embarked on the journey of starting my professional organizing business back in 2009, I was overwhelmed with all I needed to know and do as a solopreneur. I was reading, researching, taking courses…anything I could find that would help pave the path.

Branding was a hot topic. The messaging was always - be consistent. That meant wearing the colors of your business brand.

Hmmm, no problem, I thought. With the business name A Clean Slate, it was a no brainer. I envisioned a slate (chalkboard) with someone swooshing an eraser across it thus creating a clean slate. The colors that immediately came to mind were black, white, and gray.

Perfect. At the time, I had my fair share of all these colors. My website had these colors and whatever other random colors ‘spoke’ to me as did my business cards.

But, here’s the problem, these colors completely make me disappear. Not ideal for making a first impression with clients. Side note: I’ve since learned that these colors are not ideal for many people.

But I couldn’t figure out what was wrong. It never occurred to me that it was the colors I was wearing. Duh, I know, but bear with me.

Just about every bit of style advice I saw said all women needed to have a black blazer, white button-down blouse and little black dress. Check, check, check.

Why then did I feel so ‘blah’ when I looked in the mirror? Which, I don’t know about you, but looking ‘blah’ too often starts making me feel ‘blah’. Not healthy nor ideal!

Side note: Do you find that you repeatedly grab a blouse or sweater and after assessing yourself in the mirror, immediately remove it, fling it to the side then grab another? Typically when you’re running late for something…no, was that just me?!? Not anymore.

Fast forward a few years. I attended an in-person session with Mary Lou Manlove, an image consultant, color specialist and color instructor. She immediately ‘suggested’ I toss anything black, white and gray and she created my personal color palette.

I can’t even begin to tell you how much of an impact that palette has made for me. Here are a few key ways it’s improved my life:

  • I can glance into a store and immediately identify whether the merchandise works for me. If not, no time or money wasted shopping.

  • I have closet full of clothes I wear that are in my color palette and my personal style saving me space and time getting dressed.

  • When I wear the colors in my palette I regularly receive compliments of how happy, healthy, put together, etc. I look. Now, I don’t know about you, but that feels amazing!

  • Creating my new branding was easy because I had colors from which to work ~ again, saving me time and money.

  • It also saved me time working with my website designer.

  • My family and close friends also know my color palette and it’s not unusual for someone to text me a picture of an item they ran across while shopping that would be ‘perfect’ for me. It’s like having my own personal shoppers! Huge time saver.

All of this and more from color. Who knew?!? Color professionals, that’s who.

I can’t emphasize enough what a gift it’s been. With the holidays coming up, why don’t you treat yourself or ask for a color consultation as a holiday gift. You will not be disappointed.

Or maybe you have a room in your home that needs a pick me up. I challenge you to step away from the safe neutrals and instead, embrace colors you really love, maybe it’s just a throw, some pillows or even a piece of art. You may be surprised how such a small change can make such a big difference.

Not convinced, I highly recommend you read the book Joyful by Ingrid Fetell Lee. The first chapter has some great stories of the power of color.

Until we meet again ~ enjoy your (colorful) journey!


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