Mid-year goal setting anniversary. Let’s celebrate!

Can you believe we're six months into the new year?!? Where does the time go?

Good news! This is the perfect opportunity to touch base on the goals and resolutions you set for yourself back in January.

This past week I've been reminded that good intentions are not enough to accomplish my goals. Yes, I realize I’m stating the obvious. This past week, whether it's because of things within or outside my control, my best intentions have not yielded results. Can you relate?

An occasional day or week that is unfulfilling isn't the end of the world. It only becomes a problem when there are multiple weeks that do not yield results. Before you know it, it's multiple months and then sadly, multiple years.

But not to worry. We are not going to wallow here in our grief. June is a time of celebrations. Whether weddings, anniversaries, graduations or Juneteenth, all are opportunities for a new beginning and to celebrate.

We are going to shift our perspective and treat this as our six-month anniversary with ourselves. It’s an opportunity to celebrate and give ourselves a gift.

What is this gift of which you speak? 

Oh, my friend, I'm so glad you asked.

Find the statement that most resonates with you. There you will find your special opportunity to celebrate and collect your gift.

On target according to plan. You've been head down plowing through the past six months working towards your goals and you've made tremendous progress, Yay you!

Celebrate: All the accomplishments you've had up until this time. Acknowledge all the hard work you have already put in. Congratulations! You've accomplished quite a bit these past six months and are well on your way to goal completion.

Your gift: You get to bask in the knowledge that you have the intuition and insight to know what's most important to you and to make intentional choices to fulfill your goals. This gift is priceless!

Goals? What goals? You've long forgotten what goals you originally set at the beginning of the year.

Celebrate: OK, you're probably wondering what can I possibly have to celebrate? But you chose to do something instead of working towards your goals so where did you spend your time? I'm sure as you reflect you, too, have successes to celebrate.

Your gift: You get to reevaluate whether the goals you had originally set are truly yours and if you want to restart or reset them. Take note of the successes you achieved. Perhaps your goals are actually aligned with those successes. This awareness is a tremendous gift.

It’s too late. I’ll wait until next year. You never even set goals in January.

Celebrate: You're saying yes to yourself. You acknowledge You have more you want to accomplish, and you are willing to take a different approach.

Your gift: Lucky you! It's not too late. Technically you can set a goal any minute of any day so why not start now? You’re ready to be intentional and spend your time on what you value. This is the first step to a lifetime of fulfillment ~ what a gift.

Here's a not-so-secret secret. Your goals aren't actually about the outcome. Your goals are about the feeling you expect to have when you reach the outcome. I invite you to get very clear on that feeling. Take note in life where else that feeling shows up.

In my coach training, I remember an instructor stating, “The pain will push you until the vision pulls you.”

Stop pushing yourself to achieve what you think you want. Instead envision how you will feel and let that vision pull you to what's next.

Before I sign off, here’s a bonus gift for you. I’m opening up three additional spots in my free Accountability Buddy program. These always go quickly so grab your spot now.

Until next time ~ celebrate your successes and enjoy your journey!


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