How much do you love your life?

February - the month of love.

If I’m being honest, one of the best bi-products of the Hallmark holiday, Valentine’s Day, is the heart-shaped Reese’s peanut butter candy.

So, while I’m not a big proponent of Valentine’s Day, I do enthusiastically support spreading love. For many of us, giving love to others is easy. Loving ourselves, hmmmm not so much.

One way to show yourself some love is to reflect on your life.

On a scale from 1-10, being honest, how much do you love your life?

This is a tough question for many because life is multi-faceted. Not only that, but those components of life are unique to each of us. And to truly compound matters, life has its ups and downs.

If you answered with a resounding ‘10’! ~ Woot woot! Congratulations, my friend! I hope you are truly appreciative and grateful daily. I also suspect, it didn’t just happen. You have been intentional in knowing what’s important to you, making choices and setting boundaries to fiercely protect what you most cherish. Again, my hat is off to you.

If you answered less than ‘10’, spoiler alert, you’re not alone. But fear not. This is an opportunity for you to show yourself some love and get curious. You can learn how to be intentional in making choices so you too can one day answer with a resounding ‘10’!

It all starts with acknowledging where you are and then getting crystal clear on where you want to be. Let’s get started.

Make your own pie.

Grab a piece of paper and pen/pencil. If metaphorically your life is a pie, divide it into slices. Each slice represents one component of your life. Go ahead, draw your pie.

Here are a few examples to get you started. You can have as many slices as you want, and you can label them however you so choose. It’s your pie, after all.

  • Family

  • Friends

  • Spouse/significant other

  • Career

  • Health

  • Finances

  • Hobbies

  • Self-care

  • Personal growth

  • Spirituality

  • Giving back

  • Home environment

  • Leisure time

Is your pie properly baked?

Now that you have your pie drawn, go through the exercise of assigning a value from 1-10 for each component. I’m a visual person. This exercise makes it very obvious where there is opportunity to be more intentional.

Notice if anything is missing from your pie.

I invite you to notice what you are feeling as you note your contentment with each piece. Where is this feeling showing up in your body?

Elevate your pie.

What will make your pie even more delectable? How will you most savor it? Do you need to warm it up? Add some whipped cream? Set it on a pool of chocolate?

Maybe you actually need to remove something from it.

Only you know what will make this the perfect pie for you.

Note: If you’ve gotten sidetracked by actual pie, remember, the pie is a metaphor for your life :-)

You now have the beginnings of the recipe to what’s next as you intentionally create a more fulfilling life for yourself.

Show yourself some love and be intentional in knowing what’s important to you, making choices and setting boundaries to fiercely protect what you most cherish.

I’m passionate about helping women create the life they love living. If you want help working through this activity, reach out to me here.

I’d also love to know thoughts about peanut butter cups. Share a thumbs up or down in the comments below.

Until we meet again ~ enjoy your pie.


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