It’s Your Time to Thrive!

Happy International Women’s Day!

March is International Women’s History month.

The words thrive and survive have surfaced three times for me in the last 24 hours. Typically, when something crosses my path three times, I view it as a sign from the universe to slow down and explore.

The more I reflected on thriving, not just surviving, the more relevant the message seems as we celebrate inspirational women during the month of March.

I have belonged to the same book club since 2003. This is an amazing group of fabulous ladies who I learn from, laugh with and exchange ideas with monthly. My book club exposes me to books and perspectives I otherwise may not experience. Our March book is The Four Winds by Kristen Hannah which, coincidentally, I recently finished reading.

This book teaches us through adversity we find strength.

While listening to the author, Kristen Hannah, talk about her most recent book, she shares that she likes to put her characters in ‘the darkest possible moment of their lives and ask them to not only survive but thrive in some way.”

Wow! OK ~ I’m not suggesting we all need to experience adversity, but it does beg to question…

When have you thrived?

I couldn’t help but stop, reflect and appreciate all the brave, amazing, inspiring women who have paved the way for us women today. Women who did hard things in the face of adversity. Women who thrived.

One thing is true ~ we are all here because of a woman.

And I also know we have all encountered many strong, inspirational women throughout our lives. They have paved the way and done difficult things.

Make no mistake, you are one of those women. You have the power to do the same for the little girls following behind you.

Own your power!

Speak up!

 Be brave!

You owe it to yourself and those following behind you. Thank those who have cleared a path and own your strength as you continue clearing the path for those young girls who are the future.

I believe every single one of us has everything we need inside us to do just that. It’s our job, no, our obligation and our honor to find our strength and our voice. I encourage you to peel back the layers, dig deep and unlock what’s hidden away.

If you get stuck, I’m here to help.

I would love to celebrate how you’re thriving.

Respond to me here and share your story.

Happy International Women’s Day, my friend. Be strong. Go forth ~ love and continue blazing trails. The world depends on it.

Until we meet again ~ you’ve got this.


Thoughts from a recovering perfectionist.


What is your relationship with time?