The beauty of change.

Happy Spring!

As we celebrate the beginning of spring, one can’t help but notice the changes all around us.

When I think of spring, I think of change. I happen to love change but I know that’s not true for many.

What comes up for you when you think of change?

  • Fear of the unknown?

  • I’m comfortable exactly as I am, no need for change here.

  • Dread of starting from the beginning?

Back in the early stages of my professional career when I worked for a large financial institution, I had a job in a department called Change Management.

This department was responsible for being the liaisons between the existing operations keeping the banking systems running and the need for new systems to be introduced regularly.

As you might imagine, a large institution responsible for money that was heavily regulated took changing existing systems very seriously. These were often slow, meticulously thought-out projects that could take months to develop, test, and implement.

Changes were necessary, but it was equally (more?) important to keep the existing systems available to users and working correctly.

Our liaison role was to ensure the process of change was followed and to coordinate changes from the developers (often creative thinkers who always had a better way to do something) and the operations (happy with things working reliably).

The introduction of change was an opportunity to introduce choas - not ideal. But without change, there also wouldn’t be improvement.

Oh, the quandry.

Why this random trip down memory lane, you ask and what does it have to do with you? Excellent question(s).

It is inevitable that change will happen. Every new day brings change…every minute even. Some will be beautiful like the hyacinth and daffodils displaying their bright, joyful colors as the early announcers of spring.

Others, will wreak havoc on our existing systems (daylight savings, I’m looking at you) - a new commitment or obligation, perhaps as we have longer days with more pleasant weather and we try to squeeze more into those extended daylight hours.

How will you handle change?

Will you embrace and respond with the curiosity of a child knowing that with change can come improvement, excitement, something fresh and new?

Or will you dig your heels into the ground and resist for fear of the unknown?

Maybe something in between?

Is every facet of life absolutely perfect or could a little change be just what’s needed?

I’m inviting you to remember the joy of spring when you’re faced with change. What if each change was that bright, bold flower peaking through in all its glory?

I know…that’s not true of all change.

I know…change can be uncomfortable.

But with change comes growth and potential improvement.

What is possible? Embrace change, my friend. It’s coming regardless, so why not try to manage it…even just a little…so it doesn’t wreak havoc.

And this takes me back to my story. I’m not going to say ‘be the bank’ because that doesn’t sound inspiring at all. But I am going to invite you to take a role in Change Management and do your best to accept change is happening and introduce it in a controlled manner. Who knows, something truly beautiful may come of it.

Let me know how you manage change. I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Until next time ~ enjoy your journey.


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