How to make your goals reality five minutes at a time.

How are you doing on those resolutions or intentions you set for yourself this year?

Are you struggling to make the changes necessary in your day-to-day schedule to support your vision for the year?

If you’re not quite where you’d hoped to be, I’d like to share a tip that’s been working well for me, and I believe will help you too.

I recently shared in this video, how I’ve been using the pomodoro method with great success. But an interesting byproduct of these sessions is not only what I’m accomplishing in the 25 minutes of work, but also in those five-minute breaks.

I know five minutes doesn’t sound like a lot, but it’s remarkable what you can accomplish in such a seemingly small amount of time.

I’m going to share a little secret ~ my good intentions were not enough to make the changes I want to see.

Sound familiar?

Although it has been my intent to add more exercise (ahem, physical therapy) into my schedule, I was not choosing to spend my time accordingly.

Then I had a mindset shift.

I started adding just five minutes to both my evening and morning routines. I also started filling those five-minute breaks during my weekly pomodoro sessions with exercise.

If I call into the pomodoro session from 9-12, that gives me five extra five-minute chunks to exercise. Add the five minutes from each of my morning and evening routines and I’m up to 35 minutes that day!

Now we’re talking!

It’s still not an hour, but it’s far better than nothing. And, I’m already starting to notice the difference, which is giving me the incentive to want to do more.

That’s how my mind works. The intent isn’t always enough. For me, I need to see results. I sometimes need those baby steps to do something when I’m facing resistance.

This isn’t new information, but sometimes the cobbler’s family has no shoes, as they say.

So, what does this mean for you? Simple, I’m inviting you to find just five minutes a day to chip away at something you’re avoiding. See if after doing this for a few days you create some additional momentum.

Here’s the underlying learning ~ if you (or I) can’t even find five minutes, then perhaps there needs to be some re-examining of why this is even on our list of how we want to spend time.

Are our actions truly aligning with our values, or are we trying to fulfill somebody else’s values?

If my invitation isn’t resonating with you, let’s flip it a bit. I’m inviting you to find just five minutes a day doing something for pure enjoyment.

Now the choice is yours ~
  • make progress on those goals or

  • give yourself a treat

It’s a win/win near as I can tell. Perhaps you alternate? The beauty is ~ you get to choose!

And, remember,

“You will never change your life unless 
you change something you do daily.”

– John C. Maxwell

Respond in the comments below with how you’re going to spend your five minutes and change your life or send me an email if you prefer.

Until next time…enjoy your journey.


The beauty of change.


How to set yourself up for a successful new year.