Unlearning and Intuition

I’m excited to share I was recently included in a blog roundup by Minuca Elena responding to the question “What is the best training experience for life coaches?” Here’s my input and here’s a link to the entire blog.

In reviewing my response, it is very clear to me that much of what I have learned and unlearned through my coach training and my continued practice also serves me well in life.


I remember hesitating to include what I had to unlearn but, for me, that unlearning was critical. We seem to believe success always means doing more. What if sometimes it means doing less? Funnily enough, that was the entire subject of my last blog.

In my workshops and when I work with clients, I encourage discarding what no longer serves. Sometimes we free up space to add something to better serve but sometimes discarding what is holding us back is enough.

Yep, you read that correctly ~

You don’t always need to add more to be successful.

Whew! A beautiful sentiment as we head into the summer months.

Here’s an interesting challenge perfect for summer. Grab your brain dump* (or to-do list). What can you remove from it?

Let me know how many items you removed here.

*Here’s a refresher on my thoughts about brain dump vs to do lists.

The ‘right’ way?

Another take away from this roundup is there are 40 different coaches who provided input. That’s 40 different perspectives on training for a life coach.

For me, this highlights there is no one ‘right’ or perfect way. With so many perspectives, how can there possibly be a ‘right’ way?

I believe this is true in most everything in life. While there is no single ‘right’ way, there is a ‘right’ way for you.

I highly encourage you to stop listening to what others say is the ‘right’ way and start listening to your inner self (your intuition) and live life your way.

This is especially fitting as it’s currently graduation season. We wish those advancing on the next stage of their journey to imagine, achieve, dream and become. Those inspirational words of wisdom and encouragement can guide us forever and always be our rallying cries.

But are they? When do they stop being so?

I think it’s when we listen more to others or those nagging, negative voices from within. I think we begin hearing those negative voices early and often. They are the voices that are always comparing and telling us we don’t deserve.

Those negative voices are loud and prevalent.


What if instead we listened more to our inner leader, our gut, our own intuition? That’s exactly what I did when I chose to include what I had to unlearn.

In the moment, following your intuition can feel scary. But as soon as you do it, you know it feels ‘right’.

When you listen to your intuition, what can you imagine, achieve, dream and become?

It’s never too late. 

If you’re out of touch with your intuition or those negative voices are too loud, reach out to me here. I’d love to help turn up the volume of your intuition and quiet those voices holding you back.

I have a lot more to say about intuition and nagging voices, but now is not the time. It’s the beginning of summer ~ time to lighten up a little and slow down a bit.

Go ahead ~ relax, unwind, take a break, and even unlearn if you’re so inclined.

Until we meet again ~ enjoy your journey.


How to make time for what’s most important to you.


Slowing Down: The New Trick My Old Dog is Teaching Me