How to make this your most enjoyable holiday season yet!

When I sat down to write this month’s blog, I couldn’t bring myself to create yet another list of helpful hints for the holidays. I wanted to do something different. I wanted to create a holiday anti-to-do list.

What not to do this holiday season.

The problem is, we already know what we shouldn’t do ~ overcommit, overspend, overeat, overindulge, overemote, etc. That didn’t seem quite right either. So, I landed on the 6 self-care routines you can embrace to make this holiday season the most relaxing and enjoyable yet.

Before you panic and think I’m crazy to suggest introducing self-care during a very hectic time, I invite you to read this antidote. If after that you still aren’t convinced, I understand and wish you luck. If, however, this resonates, I invite you to settle in for the 3 minutes it will take to read this in its entirety and breathe into what’s next.

A busy woman* goes to see Buddha and asks, “How long should I meditate?”

Buddha: 5 minutes

Busy woman: I don’t have the time.

Buddha: OK then, 20 minutes.

*I substituted busy woman for businessman which is how I originally heard this.

Sound familiar?

No worries. Here are 6 simple ways to care for yourself during this hectic time. I’m not going to tell you how long to do any of these acts of love (aka self-care) for yourself, but let’s agree that at least 5 minutes is reasonable.

1. Journaling – It’s been proven that journaling, whether positive or negative thoughts, can improve your feeling of happiness and calm by changing your brain chemistry. Journaling can seem daunting, so I invite you to start a gratitude journal this holiday season. Each day capture 10 things for which you are grateful. If you get stuck, it’s OK to repeat items. The only guidelines I’ll give you are to not overthink it and truly embrace the feeling of gratitude.

2. Meditate – I know, it’s hard. You can’t do it. I get that, but per Merriam-Webster, the first definition is “to engage in contemplation or reflection.” So, what if, for this holiday season, meditation is spending 5 minutes reflecting on memories, feelings and what’s important to you about the holidays? In case it’s not obvious, this is not the time to think about your to-do list.

3. Get outside – Note I’m not suggesting a long hike or running a 5K – unless you want to, of course. I’m merely saying some fresh air does us all some good. What if it’s cold where you live, raining, snowing, etc.? Fear not. You will not be that easily deterred. Bundle up, grab a warm drink and sit on your porch, a door stoop or in your backyard. Take in the world from this perspective and see how you feel.

4. Sleep – You’ve heard it countless times. Sleep is important for your wellbeing and overall health – mental and physical. Turn off the TV. Stop pain scrolling through Martha Stewart Instagram and Pinterest posts and go to bed.

5. Move – Whatever that means to you. I’m not going to tell you to exercise because to some, exercise is daunting. The key here is to not sit so much. Some super easy ways to slip in movement during your day, park farther away from the store or simply stand up and stretch. Yoga, Tai Chi and Qigong are all very low impact ways to move and are easy to do in small increments. If you’re feeling really motivated, combine getting outside and moving by taking a walk, riding a bike, skiing, etc.

6. Do something solely for the purpose of enjoyment. ~ BTW, that can mean doing absolutely nothing 😊. This is self-explanatory unless you don’t know what you enjoy. If that’s the case, respond to this email or reach out to me here and we’ll figure it out together.

Off you go.

Before you know it, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, and the New Year will be upon us. I’d like to leave you with two final thoughts.

1. Remember your ‘why’ during this holiday season. Each time you’re feeling stress about another party, shopping, baking cookies, hiding the elf, wrapping, etc., ask yourself “Why am I doing this?” The answer will either give you inspiration to embrace or permission to let go.

2. Absolutely no guilt allowed. Perhaps I should have led with this. Self-care is not a selfish act. In fact, quite the opposite. You have an opportunity to model healthy behaviors for your family and friends all while taking care of yourself. Is there really any better gift?

Until we meet again ~ enjoy your journey.


The gift of an hour! What will you do with yours?


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