How to set yourself up for a successful new year.

January is nearly over…one month into the new year and I’m really just getting started.

In November/December last year, I had so many ideas, but I also knew the holidays bring with them lots of extras. I couldn’t do everything I wanted and enjoy the moment.

It was then when I made an intentional decision not to dive head first into the new year.

As I examined what was behind that feeling, I realized that as much as I love a good plan, I was not ready to begin planning 2024 back in November, December or good grief, even October. Which is what I would have needed to do if I wanted to implement changes January 1.

I wanted to finish last year 
 planning this year.

Novel idea, I know.

As it turned out, I wasn’t ready to start on January 1 either!

At first I felt a bit behind the eight ball when others were announcing their plans, resolutions and even guiding words of the year and I was still in reflection mode. I had to check myself and acknowledge I was working at my own pace.

Boy, am I glad I listened to my inner voice. I was able to really enjoy my holiday season AND give myself some space to figure out what’s next.

If I’m being honest, I did not finish all the projects nor make all the changes I had hoped before year end.

That acknowledgement opened the door to those nasty saboteurs. And being nasty and sneaky and only requiring the smallest of cracks to seep into my thoughts, those voices were planting seeds of why this year would likely be the same.

Certainly not an ideal way to start the new year.

Thankfully, I have my journal to help check those voices and begin closing that door with those saboteurs on the other side. When I read back through my journal,

  • I was reminded of the projects I did complete.

  • I was reminded of obstacles I overcame.

  • I was reminded of what I did learn.

  • I was reminded of some pretty significant successes.

This was such a lovely gift. It helped me put into perspective what is possible. It made me think everyone needs to take the time to acknowledge their wins. So, I’m going to invite you to do just that if you haven’t already.

February, the month of love, seems the ideal time to write ourselves a love letter of sorts. If that seems too woo-woo for you, I invite you to start a list of all your gifts.

  • What do love and admire about yourself?

  • What were your successes last year?

  • What obstacles did you overcome?

  • What did you learn last year?

I believe it is so important to acknowledge what did work and express gratitude before you can get started on what’s next.

If you read this far and are still wondering how you can set yourself up for a successful new year. Here are five behaviors I think can help set me (and you) up for a successful year:

  1. Listen to yourself. We can easily get caught up with thinking (and overthinking). Slow down and experience what you’re feeling. Your gut is a powerful barometer.

  2. Create an inventory of your gifts and successes.

  3. Express gratitude for those gifts and acknowledge those successes.

  4. Embrace blinders. Have you ever seen the blinders that horses wear? It keeps them from being distracted. Don’t get caught up keeping up with others. Determine what’s important to you and move ahead at your own pace. It’s really not a race.

  5. Enjoy your journey. Even if you accomplish every goal you set this year, I can all but guarantee you won’t get to the end of the year and say, well, I’m done. There will always be more. Why not enjoy more of the day-to-day?

I love hearing from you. What tools do you use to set yourself up for success? Let me know here what you discover upon this reflection. And if you need a little help getting in touch with your fabulous self and all your gifts and successes, please reach out to me.

Until next time…enjoy your journey.


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