New Year. New Moon. New Start. What's Possible?

Woman day dreaming

When I consider ‘What’s possible?’, something beautiful happens. Constraints fall away and my mind starts to dream. Dreaming reminds me of being a kid. That feeling of anything is possible and the only limitation is my imagination – endless, really. What do you remember about your childhood dreams?

Think back to when you were 9 years old. It’s actually an important time in life because kids this age are beginning to spread their wings and try new things. A nine-year old can process longer and have a rough idea how and where to find more information so they are forever starting new hobbies and, it seems, their interests are constantly changing.

At this age they are also wanting approval. This is a pivotal time in life…who knew?!? The carefree, no worries childhood is beginning to be molded by the thoughts and opinions of others…oh no, say it isn’t so.

girls day dreaming

As we go through life, what happens to those dreams we had as children? For many of us, once we let others have input to our dreams, they cease being ours and, I make up, a little spark goes out of them. I think that might be what derails some of us. Sometimes, life just gets in the way and we lose sight of our dreams. Sometimes, we listen to limiting voices (ours and others).

This is where the new year, new moon, new day, new minute can be exactly what we need to reset our course.

I notice feeling unmotivated or bored is a clue I need to step back, get out of my head and spend time dreaming. Another awareness for me is when I dive in and spend every waking moment producing or ‘doing’ something. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, but if I don’t catch myself, I get so attached to the end goal that I forget about the journey. I get lost in the weeds and even worse, I may miss amazing opportunities. I can also get wrapped up in what I have heard others do to attain their dreams and then down the rabbit hole I go.

We benefit so much from dreaming. Dreams help us get outside our comfort zone. They give our thinking mind a break. They allow us to regain those youthful thoughts of when everything is possible. They are critical to living a fulfilled life. Unless you dream, you’ll never know what is truly possible.

But here’s the thing, many people identify something tangible as their dream (e.g., vacation, certain number of clients, ideal salary, perfect job, etc.) but I believe behind each of those ‘things’ is a feeling. We’re talking about a state of being to which you aspire. How do you want to feel when you successfully attain your dream?

Let’s compare it to buying a fabulous pair of shoes. You love those shoes. You want those shoes. What is it about those shoes? How will they make you feel when you wear them? How are you showing up when those shoes are on your feet? See, it’s not just the shoes, it’s the feeling of who you will be when you wear them.

Let’s do the same with your aspired feeling. The feeling you associate with your dream. As you get comfortable with how you want to feel, look for ways to create that feeling in your day-to-day life.

Try on that feeling.

Take your time. Enjoy the process. I know it has been a while since I was 9 years old. It can take time to get back in touch with our dreams, but that, my friend, is where the magic begins. Be intentional as you connect with your aspired feelings and, in time, you will be living your dream.

Give yourself some space and freedom to stop doing and instead just be and dream.

I've transitioned my vision board workshop to be fun and interactive via Zoom. Do you have a group of women you would like to support and dream with virtually? Reach out to me here and let's chat about making this dream a reality.


Give Yourself Some Love.


How to Make the Holidays Bright.